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News & Events

Latest Events

Committee Meeting
The first meeting of the new season will be held arond early -mid August when it is hope that new committee members can be proposed and accepted onto the committee. 

Team News
This season we are pleased to announce the formation of a new Under 10's team who now join our Under 12's and Under 13's teams. All 3 teams have been affiliated to Essex FA and registered with either the Cambridgeshire Colt League or the Cambridgeshire Mini Soccer League. Following a successful recruitment campaign, we now have full squads for all 3 teams. 

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We again held our presention event at the 'Plant Laser' in Bury St Edmunds. For the second time it was a huge success with every player having at least 3 games in the laser zone, a cooked meal and refreshments along with the most important item, a trophy. Parents had a great time putting their hands in their pockets for raffle tickets and 'bus stops' with 4 parents winning £25 vouchers towards the annual subscriptions.

Presentation Day


Car Wash Day
We held our first car wash day in early July which was a roaring success. Of course when children and water are in the same place you end up with a water fight which considering the cold day was great fun.
Thanks to everyone for our support and especially to those who organised the event. We also need to thank all the players who seemed to enjoy themselves especially when the water went over their 'friends' and not the cars.
!!! Keep you eye open for posters advertising further events !!!

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   Proud to be Safeguarding Compliant   

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